Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Date : September 15, 2009

Cause AVID made me think a lito more ;

So in AVID, we did a Mandala quick write.
The question was :
"Who are the most specialist people to you
Why do they make them special ?".
This is what I wrote ..

The most specialist people to me are the F.A.S. group. We have 9 members in the group. My friends in the group are Hannah, Sylvia, Karyz, Zhane, Hao, Fa, Josh, Kenji and myself. We all been friends since 8th grade. For some of us, since 7th grade. The F.A.S. are special to me because they have been by my side for everything. We never go through anything a lone. F.A.S. is our family name. It stands for Fly Asian Society:) Karyz, my older brother and I made the name. We made it on January 27, 2009. So it has been almost 8 months in the making ! We all hang out on occasions so its fun. We support each other in everything and give the best advice ever. The 9 of us are all like brother's and sister's. They are my life. I would give up anything just to be wit them forever .. <3

This was a timed write and it may be short but it looks long on paper(x I would have wrote more but I think too much xD When I wrote this, I was remembering all those times we had when we were all together. Even though we may had 'those times' they still brighten up my day. They are the ones who have my back no matter what. They are the reasons why I go on wit my life each day. This topic made me realize who are my heroes. They are my true ones. I can go to them for anything. I finally found my family that appreciates everything I gave up for them. They know I gave up a lot in the past years and they would never take advantage of me. Unlike others, they would love to help me out in need. They aren't selfish, nor rude. If I would have to describe them, I would say 'family'. No matter what happens, its always&forever<3 know them. They proved themselves to me that I can trust them. We start developing with one another every time we hang out. So all those kick its, yes, they were what you may call 'stupid' but to us, its what we call having fun ;D So thas my story ..

I love the F.A.S. Because they are the realest<3

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