Haaaappy Birthday Gdaughter !

Well, just a lito shout out to my granddaughter. Hope you had fun today ;D Yay, your 14 xD Man, you still call me old though. Ahaha. Well yeah, my day was great tankyouverymuch:) So this morning, I watched ASAP '09 [filipino thang] and the Jabbawockeez performed ! It was the shit though. Worth waking up to ;D Pwuaha. It would be helluh cool if I was at ASAP live though. That would be like worth my trip to Philippines ahaha. Well, after that, my mom, brother, lito bro and I went to Fairfield. Going to Fairfield was helluh funny xD Kuya's smartness came to him. Mom : "You need to eat more squash for your eye sight" Kuya : "Can I just eat something else ?" Mom : "It needs to be a yellow vegetable" Kuya : "Yeah ill just eat an orange" ME : "LMFAO ! That aint a vegetable, thas a fruit &especially, that's an ORANGE ! LMFAO !" OMG, funnest shit ever ! xDD LOl. He helluh failed at that xD Then we listened to Rnb the whole way xD Well, until we reached Vacaville cause nothing good was one the radio. My brother and I were singing along xDD LOl. When we reached to Fairfield, Kuya drove to my cousins house. He's good at driving now. But im still scared when it's going to be us only cause Kuya is going to act stupid. Yes, I know im nice:) Ahaha. Well, when we reached Fairfield, Khaila&I thought of going to the mall so then we asked and Kuya Johnnon, Kuya, Pita, Khaila and I went to Fairfield mall. That was cool, I got to spend time wit my cousins:) Khaila&I were matching ;D We both wore a scarf that our Tita Achie gave us from Florida. Mine was purple and her's was blue of course ahaha. When we got to the mall, we went to Wet Seal cause Khaila was going to buy a vest but instead, we ended up looking at graphic tee's and whatnot for .. 30 min I suppose xD The clothes there were helluh cute ;D Teehee. I need to go shopping again. I haven't went shopping in a while. OH, there was this one shirt that was blue, had a baby chick on it and a crack egg. It said "Fail". LMAO. I helluh loved that shirt xD But instead, Khaila and Pita picked out a Hello Kitty shirt for me ;D Khaila decided to buy it for me cause "it shouted out my name":) Khaila bought a purple ninja shirt that says "who called the ninja's" xD It was tight. Ahaha. Then we noticed that we forgot about the vest she had to get so we started looking at the other side and in front. The vest were okay-ish but then Khaila didn't like them so yeah. She also bought shoes(x After that, we got a vanilla shake. It was the bomb :D Ahaha ! But then we had to go home cause my mom said we were leaving soon. BUT, we didn't leave yet(: When we came back, we all prayed of course. My Tito Gary cooked stake and whatnot. We had like a bunch load of food ! Khaila, Pita and I were waiting for the food to cook so we decided to look at the hello kitty site I looked at yesterday.
THEN, Inspiration came ! Oliver decided to join us cause he thought it was interesting too lmfao. The food was cooked so we ate, toke pictures and video's. I don't have the video and pictures cause pita and my Tita Ada toke them wit there camera's so yeah(: I ate helluh though ! My stomach was so fuuuull when I came home xD We went home like at 8 cause Sebastian was getting sleepy. But today was the funnest day ever ! Next Saturday might be the same, I hope. Teehee. Well, im sleepy. Going to sleep&get rest for tomorrow's kick it wit the F.A.S. ladies:) Stay Focused&Be Positive kids mmkays ?

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