Monday, September 28, 2009
My Answer To The Question ;
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
'Cause it represents me ..
(May 21 - Jun 20) -
It still might take a few more days for your life to return to normal, for you have recently been on a wild ride. You are being given a chance to think about your experiences and decide what to do next. Just remember that it's easy for you now to make nearly anything look bigger, better or more important than it truly is. Bringing yourself back to reality is healthier than waiting for someone else to do it for you.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
"Cause I go through my days wit a smile on my face and say everything is okay when everything is not."
"Its simple as that. Your gone and im lost."
"Persevering helps me live my life without a simple doubt."
"Even though this thing we have is not normal, everyday, I think we're just fine when we're not."
"Because the fact that your gone and not ever going to be mine again, I miss you the most."
"I've learned it all and seen it all but even though it seems tough, stick your head up high and deal wit it."
I love you, unconditionally. Always&Forever ..
Monday, September 21, 2009
In life, we all have our stories of what makes us unique and why our life turned
out to be. Some of us lived a simple life, but some, had it harder. This is my story;
If you would ask where it all began, my answer would be St. Charles Borremeo,
my parents couldn’t afford the tuition anymore.
because I learned a lot about being catholic and my perspective of life. I thought I
wouldn’t like the school I would go to next because St. Charles Borremeo was the best
but then again, my life changed.
because of the ‘episodes’ that have happened. I met my true friends, the F.A.S., and
importantly, my superman. My life changed while I progressed each day. That year was
where parts of my life started to turn. Some days, I would want to give up but the only
people who kept me up the most, was the F.A.S.
The F.A.S stands for Fly Asian Society. It is our group name. We've
been friends since 8th grade, but some, since 7th grade. In our group, we have
Hannah, Sylvia, Karyz, Zhane, Fa, Hao, Kenji, Josh and I. They are what I call my true
friends. We all have been through a lot together and we never gave up on one another.
My life has been pretty rough these past months. My family and I are going
through a lot which makes it hard to balance between school and my life. Finding a house
is enough to deal with but with my grandma having cancer, it’s just too much. We’re
trying to keep it together but for me, I can’t handle having ups and downs all the time.
When I move, it is going to be my 8th time moving and my last is when I go to the
is when im done with high school.
Reminiscing makes me think about how my life turned out so far. Its makes me
wonder if I toke the right paths or not. Knowing that everything will be okay soon makes
me wonder ‘when?’ Because when things start to get rough, my friends and I just have
one thing to say “no matter what happens, it’s always&forever”. Even when things start
turning around for you, don’t stop and hesitate, keep on trying because there is no fear in
trying and trying again. I’ve did it all and seen it all, but im not going to stop because I
know I have to persevere.
Your perspective in life is your own thoughts of how you see life. My
perspective; it’s tough but all you have to do is persevere to do your best. The moon on
my Mandala represents my superman. Because he gave me more advice and we think the
moon is pretty:) The sunset represents the F.A.S. because we love watching the sunset
together. The Filipino flag represents my heritage and how I love to always tell everyone
I am proud to be who I am. My story tells how I always persevere even when life gets
tough and that’s my advice to you; no one has a perfect life, it’s the fact that you’re alive
and never underestimate your circumstances.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I Love You. Always&Forever. I Promise.
You may not care about the date but even though, I just wanna say tanks for all those times when you made me happy and actually smile. Sorry for everything I caused .. And those times I made you feel bad, mad, etc .. Even though we're not together, I love you. Always remember that. Pwease ..
September 19, 2009 @ 11:30 pm
'Cause it still seems like it was just last year .. When everything was alright .. Nothing to worry about .. Until now .. "It's not about holding on, it's about not letting go .."
Friday, September 18, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The question was :
Why do they make them special ?".
Sunday, September 13, 2009

AHA, funny how "Always&Forever" wasn't that long .. I won't forget all those things you said to me and did to me. Cause even though you hurt me, I still love you. You aren't realizing the real point in all of this. Cause you always block out the 'situation' even though I try to talk to you. Sure, your talking to me but thas not what I want to hear. I want to hear the truth. For me the truth, yesterday you really hurt me. Even though the first time was breaking up wit me but last night when I just wanted to let it all out, you just said it. I was thinking to myself "wtf, why did I even bother talking to him". But I knew I was going to be hurt because everything I do is just nothing to you. I make everyone happy but not myself. Helluh bothers me a lot though. &the fact that 'everything will be okay soon' won't even happen anymore. I thought everything would go back to normal but now, I dont think there is a chance. Aha, and I still have those messages on my phone. Why didn't I delete them ? Because I knew I should have something to remind me of you sooner or later. You walked out on me when things were rough. I dont blame you for anything because I should blame myself. I tried to get you back but you didn't let me in. It was not even worth my time. Thinking that you'll try to find your inner self and see all that is going on but now, you can't see the real meaning. Its true, I still do love you and you even know but you don't care. I dont blame you. Its your choice anyways. But its just easy nowadays to make me hurt because I break easily. Sure, crying doesn't do anything but it makes me let it all out in-a-way. I hoped, and I risk everything. I tried not to put all my hopes on "us" but I still did. Because you know why ? Because I thought there was a chance. But now, I guess its really .. over .. I missed how we used to be. I miss those times when we were still together. Sure, we had "fights" but it didn't get to us. We made up and continued on. Ate even misses those times we were being all 'lovey dove dove' together. Its also funny how the day you asked me out keeps popping up in my head. You know why I keep your stuff ? Because those are the only things that make me reminisce about those days. Do you still remember when we were together and you were still here ? All those stuff we did together. But still, no, I don't regret anything. Just the fact that I talked to you yesterday thinking 'everything will be okay' but then ended up crying. All I ask is to read all my blogs. They tell it all. I wouldn't want to tell you everything that I feel because you wouldn't care. No lie, everything you did for me was the best. Actually, you are the best. Thas why I wouldn't want to let you

Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sincerely, Ading<3
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Four more years please ..
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
What is there to lose ?
You ..