Date : August 22, 2009
Dear Foodwhore ,

Heeeey:) Sup ? Lol. Well, I told you I would make you a "letter" type on blogspot(x Well yeah. I just wanted to say tank you for everythang you done for me. You did a lot. All those sacrifices and promises, it means a lot to me. I know I gave you some hard times but I promise you, that will never happen again. I know you want me to tell you everythang, but at times, I might have to keep them to myself to protect you, you know ? Well, we've been friends for 9 years. Thas a miracle xD Let's tank the people for making electronics :D *clap* *clap* *clap* LMAO. Damn, I have a lot of nicknames for you ahaha : Best Friend, Kuya, Foodwhore, Bitch, Slut, Loser, Everythang, SAB, &more. LOL, I made like 12 nicknames for you. They suit you though ;D Ahaha. Your like my Frisco buddy too ! With Danielle of course(: St. Charles Borremeo [Kindergarten] was the first time when we met. You liked me first(x I just thought you were adorable ahaha. &the story about how people found out you liked me LOL. Nice story huh ? xD Well, even though it wasn't meant to be for now, its Kuya&Ading all the waaaay ! Fck what people say, we're the fcking best nigguh ;D Ahaha. I love our late night calls. Its funny lol. Cause its fun making fun of you. You know why ? BECAUSE YOUR A FATTY ! Ahaha. Jkeeeeding. ... Maybe ? ... Ahaha. Well, you should be used to me calling you a fatty. &thas how I made Foodwhore :D Oh yes, im cool ! Lol. Our Frisco kick its are fun cause we always do our usual thing. METREON&YERBA BUENA GARDENS ! Lol. Its all good(: Damn though, imma miss those Frisco Kick Its. Summer was fun but now its over ): So sad .. Let's just hope we get to kick it sometime soon, yeah ? Our families like each other and whatnot xD Thas how cool we are though. Pwuahaha. You know me helluh well though. Its like we been Kuya&Ading since birth ahaha. You wish xDD Well, I don't know how long imma write but imma be random now. La
lala .. I just went to Fairfield to visit my cousins. OH, my Tita bought me a purple scarf from Disneyland, Florida ;D Its helluh cute though ! Lol. OH YEAH, tanks for the gifts when you went to Disneyland(: Your the best ! Teehee. Im so bored at home. Mommy&Daddy are gone, Kuya is in his room, Sebastian is sleeping and im just downstairs on the computer. Ghey xD Ahaha. I wanted to kick it wit my mains today but I don't know. OMG, let's hope I can go bowling wit all my cousins tomorrow ! Hm .. What else to say .. I guess thas all ? OH. I love you, always&forever Kuya. Till the end nigguh:) Ahaha.

Heeeey:) Sup ? Lol. Well, I told you I would make you a "letter" type on blogspot(x Well yeah. I just wanted to say tank you for everythang you done for me. You did a lot. All those sacrifices and promises, it means a lot to me. I know I gave you some hard times but I promise you, that will never happen again. I know you want me to tell you everythang, but at times, I might have to keep them to myself to protect you, you know ? Well, we've been friends for 9 years. Thas a miracle xD Let's tank the people for making electronics :D *clap* *clap* *clap* LMAO. Damn, I have a lot of nicknames for you ahaha : Best Friend, Kuya, Foodwhore, Bitch, Slut, Loser, Everythang, SAB, &more. LOL, I made like 12 nicknames for you. They suit you though ;D Ahaha. Your like my Frisco buddy too ! With Danielle of course(: St. Charles Borremeo [Kindergarten] was the first time when we met. You liked me first(x I just thought you were adorable ahaha. &the story about how people found out you liked me LOL. Nice story huh ? xD Well, even though it wasn't meant to be for now, its Kuya&Ading all the waaaay ! Fck what people say, we're the fcking best nigguh ;D Ahaha. I love our late night calls. Its funny lol. Cause its fun making fun of you. You know why ? BECAUSE YOUR A FATTY ! Ahaha. Jkeeeeding. ... Maybe ? ... Ahaha. Well, you should be used to me calling you a fatty. &thas how I made Foodwhore :D Oh yes, im cool ! Lol. Our Frisco kick its are fun cause we always do our usual thing. METREON&YERBA BUENA GARDENS ! Lol. Its all good(: Damn though, imma miss those Frisco Kick Its. Summer was fun but now its over ): So sad .. Let's just hope we get to kick it sometime soon, yeah ? Our families like each other and whatnot xD Thas how cool we are though. Pwuahaha. You know me helluh well though. Its like we been Kuya&Ading since birth ahaha. You wish xDD Well, I don't know how long imma write but imma be random now. La
Sincerely, AnnjeanetteLynneFortuno "Ading":)
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