Date : August 14, 2009
Live It Up, Do It Big ;D
DAMN, what a night I had(x So first is first, Ate&Nerd slept over last night. They came over in the afternoon so we worked out, kicked it and what not. We were mostly in the backyard the whole time xD Overall = FUN ! We had the deep conversation ; half after working out and half at night. I finally got everything off my chest to Ate to tell her what I feel about 'it'. THEN she told me things that I never heard before. I was pissed but oh well, it was 7th grade days. The past was the past, you can't change it now. After diner, we worked out again and stayed outside til
l 10 pm ish. It felt good outside. A couple things happened out there but you know, over all it was funny. We played truth or dare outside before going back in xD Nerd was going OFF ! She just kept coming up wit the nasty est things ever LOL. So then we got tired and went back in. We washed off before getting ready to watch movies. We watched the movies in my kuya's room cause he wasn't at home, no one could here us scream and then we slept there too xD We watched The Unborn, Uninvited, The Haunting In Connecticut &Saw V. We watched The Hangover after the Uninvited to calm us down xD Damn, we felt successful after we watched all that ! LOL. Of course we drank and what not. We were just so hyper and out of it. We kept eating chips and stuff. Yes, I know, fatties much right ?(: That was my 4th time drinking this summer ! We slept at 5 am cause we passed out xD We were supposed to do a all nighter but I guess we passed out. When we woke up, weirdest shit happened. Nerd had a scare, my head was hurting like fck and Ate didn't remember anythang either ! Lmao. None of us remembered what happened. HANGOVER ! LOL. But, Ate&Nerd left around 5 pm something xD Right now, my head is still hurting and im just waiting for my mommy and kuya to come home. Well, I lived it up last night ;D
Haaaappy Belated 7 Months Best Friend Abraham !
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