Date : June 30, 2010
Its a feeling. A great sensation shared by two people. Everyone wants to know what “love” is. There are many ways to express love or even put in words. There is no wrong in loving someone. You are not too young or too old to love. Everyone can do it. May it be to your family, a friend or even to your significant other. People share it everyday. Seeing couples share their love for each other is what you call beauty. Sitting around waiting for his/her call, always happy to see him/her, wit every chance you get wit him/her you make it the best, late night talks, just mentioning his/her name makes you smile, seeing his/her name makes you smile. Even the smallest things from them makes you go wild. The feeling you can’t sleep but think about that person. You would do anything for that person. Your heart racing when your wit that person. All your focus on that person. That special someone. That. That is when you know your in love. Like and Love are two different things. Like is a kind feeling. Or even a friendly feeling. On the other hand; Love is a profoundly tender, a need, passionate affection. We could feel love. Also its the greatest feeling you can ever get. It makes people happy. Knowing that their in love just gives them a good feeling inside and out. Many people nowadays abuse the word. Some, take it to heart. Saying that your in love may or may not be true. You never know until you actually experience it. Some wish upon a star and hope they find true love. Sooner or later, we’ll find that right person. The person who really is meant to be in your life forever. For us kids, we may not be in love but we tend to say so. But later on, we’ll finally experience being in love. We’ll finally experience that happy feeling inside that adults do. In conclusion,
Love is a friendship set on fire.
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