Saturday, October 2, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
I feel stupid for playing the game. I really didn't intend to hurt anyone. Now, just thinking about it. Time to come out clean. I just feel so disappointed in myself. I knew something was gonna happen. But then again, I still went for it. I like him but im starting to feel that 'love' for him again as well. I don't know what to do anymore. Its like every time this happens, im always gonna be the one getting hurt in the end. But its better than having them hurt right ? *Sigh* .. I hate how I can't make up my mind easily. It just gotta be so complicated. I swear, it would only be better if I just concentrated on whats important instead of falling in love again. But .. I don't know. Thas just me. I keep telling myself everything's gonna be okay but I know im just BS'sing myself. Well, all I can do now is come out clean, fix the problem and get over it.
Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010
Sheldon High School Term 1 Schedule
Second period : Japanese 1 P
Third : PE 10-12
Fourth : World History & Modern World
*So HEAVENLY :D. I wonder what lunch period I have though D: I hope I have it wit BestFriend, Cutaay Jessica, Son, and Him.
Random Post #2 :D
Mommy : "Does your boyfriend go here ?"
Me : "Yeah"
Kuya : "Uh-huh, someone's gonna be cheatin'"
Kuya : "I love my Family Guy"
Me : "I love my nuts :D"
Me : *walks away then turns around*
Kuya : 0_0
Me : "My Adobo Flavored NUTS :D"
Kuya : "Aha. I got you. I got you."
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
July 31, 2010 @ 3:01AM<3
Original Date ; October 14, 2009 @ 3:23PM.
I love you. Always&Forever. I promise.
M.V.+A.F. ;D
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Random Post ;D
AnnjeanetteLynne status : "Rawr."
[21:24] BFOGF > ;D: Rawr = I love you in dinosaur? LOL!
[21:24] annjeanettelynne: YES ;D
[21:24] BFOGF > ;D: Your status is for me?
[21:24] BFOGF > ;D: LOLOLOLOL!
[21:24] annjeanettelynne: No xD
[21:24] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO
[21:24] BFOGF > ;D: =O.
[21:24] BFOGF > ;D: =*(.
[21:24] annjeanettelynne: Now look at my status xD
[21:25] BFOGF > ;D: It's the same thing? Lol.
[21:25] annjeanettelynne: I lahv you though !
[21:25] annjeanettelynne: xD
[21:25] BFOGF > ;D: I love you too! =D.
[21:25] annjeanettelynne: I put our conversation xD
[21:27] dani ELLE 9542: PSH!
[21:27] dani ELLE 9542: AJ!
[21:27] dani ELLE 9542: YOUR STATUS IS FOR ME!
[21:27] dani ELLE 9542: LMFAO!
[21:27] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO
[21:27] annjeanettelynne: AHAHA
[21:27] annjeanettelynne: OMG
Monday, July 26, 2010
Likes, Dislikes, First Impression, and a Confession of me
[00:07] dani ELLE 9542: Like: How you're outgoing, sweet, caring, and got my back ;D Dislike: How you're not sleeping over here at the moment! -__- First Impression: ... I ... HAVE NO IDEA xD Confession: I LOVE your clothes xD
[00:11] BFOGF > ;D: Like: You're deep. Dislike: You're quiet. First impression: Uh-oh. I'm scared. She's going to bite me. Confession: When I talked to you on aim, you were hella mean!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
5 Ways to Describe Me :D
[23:39] BFF !: Cute, outgoing, funny, down to Earth, CUTE
[23:39] FawkingAte(:: Random, funny, weird, loveable, and awesome.
[23:42] Kuya :D: funny,smart,cute,loser,Bestfriend
[23:43] RawritsAlexxxx: Random
(I haven't spent a lot of time w/ you but you seem like it) fun
Cute ? if that counts ? xD
[23:45] Jessica ;D: Funny. Nice. Easy to get along with. Smart. And pretttty.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Date : July 1, 2010
There is so absolute meaning of love.

Date : June 30, 2010
Its a feeling. A great sensation shared by two people. Everyone wants to know what “love” is. There are many ways to express love or even put in words. There is no wrong in loving someone. You are not too young or too old to love. Everyone can do it. May it be to your family, a friend or even to your significant other. People share it everyday. Seeing couples share their love for each other is what you call beauty. Sitting around waiting for his/her call, always happy to see him/her, wit every chance you get wit him/her you make it the best, late night talks, just mentioning his/her name makes you smile, seeing his/her name makes you smile. Even the smallest things from them makes you go wild. The feeling you can’t sleep but think about that person. You would do anything for that person. Your heart racing when your wit that person. All your focus on that person. That special someone. That. That is when you know your in love. Like and Love are two different things. Like is a kind feeling. Or even a friendly feeling. On the other hand; Love is a profoundly tender, a need, passionate affection. We could feel love. Also its the greatest feeling you can ever get. It makes people happy. Knowing that their in love just gives them a good feeling inside and out. Many people nowadays abuse the word. Some, take it to heart. Saying that your in love may or may not be true. You never know until you actually experience it. Some wish upon a star and hope they find true love. Sooner or later, we’ll find that right person. The person who really is meant to be in your life forever. For us kids, we may not be in love but we tend to say so. But later on, we’ll finally experience being in love. We’ll finally experience that happy feeling inside that adults do. In conclusion,
Love is a friendship set on fire.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Heeeey, I haven't blogged in a while so imma try to update. R.I.P. Mama , miss you dearly): Always praying for you. Summer break begins ! Passed freshman year strong liked I hoped:) Babe and I are still strong as well, 7months in the making. About to go to frisco soon and kick it wit my st.charles besties. Found my old uniform(x Lols. Birthday passed ; I got an iPhone ;D Lols. I finally got to watch Paano Na Kaya and I have the movie plus the poster :D F.A.S. is still together but kinda slipping apart =/ Hopefully summer will make things better. Trynna find a summer job to get money. Sad part is, im still a minor D; I want to work at frisco but I would need my own place which I don't have. Cawsin and I already settled on our new haircut and hopefully things work out lols. Gonna look for asian but cute as well, teehee:) Weather here in Sacramento is bipolar as fck -_- Kinna missin' the hot ass weather in this time of the year. Still kinna stressin' wit those family drama shit. But pullin' myself together everyday as always. Well, I guess thas all ? Oh yeah. IMMA SOPHMORE ;D Kbye !
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Confirmation/Sonia's Quence ?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
_BIG events wit FAS
_San Francisco wit FAS
[021410]Carnival wit FAS
[w/mexasian030510]_Movies wit FAS
_Sleep over SOB's house wit FAS
_Shopping wit FAS
_Lent; Stop procrastinating !
_Watch these movies
[021310]>Time Travelers Wife
>Paano Na Kaya
>Dear John
>Valentines Day
>When In Rome
_More pictures wit FAS
_Learn to breakdance
_Learn to play one song on the piano :D
_Don't give up cwalking !
[Gizela 020710]_Hang out wit old friends
*I'll add more later ;D
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Helluh random but it's worth sharing ;D Yes, im weird<3
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Follow me at :
Monday, February 1, 2010
[16:56] annjeanettelynne: Heeeey,
[16:57] KhailaZherine: Heyy sawp ?
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: Bored D:
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: Yous ?
[16:57] KhailaZherine: LOL whys that ? Talkina Alex
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: Im bored !
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: How are you and him ?
[16:57] KhailaZherine: Lexy(: 4:57 pm
(4:57:09 PM): did i tell u that
(4:57:15 PM): u looked cute today?
[16:57] KhailaZherine: thats how we are
[16:57] KhailaZherine: xD
[16:58] KhailaZherine: how are you and nhia ?
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: Lols awh
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: Only see each other once a week
[16:58] KhailaZherine: Aww
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: Yeah
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: &i only talk to him when we kick it
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: His sister is really strict
[16:59] KhailaZherine: wtffff gayness tho
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: Yeah
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: We dont have those "all night talks" anymore like last time ,
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: But i guess its w/e
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: now
[17:00] KhailaZherine: welllll if yer ever unhappy
[17:00] KhailaZherine: dont overcommit yerself
[17:00] KhailaZherine: alright ?
[17:00] KhailaZherine: Cause we're still SO young
[17:00] annjeanettelynne: Im not "unhappy", im just saying, might be best this way
[17:00] annjeanettelynne: So we could both concentrate on whats important for now
[17:01] KhailaZherine: whatevers good with you mmk ? (: if ever you know yer cawsins here ! =D
[17:04] annjeanettelynne: Lols I know(:
[17:05] KhailaZherine: Haha so hows school ?
[17:11] annjeanettelynne: Eh, okay I guess ahaha
[17:11] annjeanettelynne: You ?
[17:11] KhailaZherine: it was pretty good, I'm laggin in some classess
[17:12] annjeanettelynne: Same,
[17:12] KhailaZherine: C- in Conceptual physics x.x
[17:12] annjeanettelynne: Whas that ? o.o
[17:12] KhailaZherine: its like a step down from biology, but its a college course class T_T
[17:13] annjeanettelynne: Im guessing its hard o.o
[17:13] KhailaZherine: yes, our teacher yells formulas at us.
[17:13] KhailaZherine: haha
[17:14] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO @
[17:14] annjeanettelynne: *!
[17:14] KhailaZherine: HAHA yesss! Today he snapped his meter stick on the table. He was like ITS NOT FUNNY
[17:14] KhailaZherine: haha I was dying. XD
[17:15] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO !
[17:15] KhailaZherine: I waslike . lolyernotserious.
[17:15] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:16] annjeanettelynne: Ahaha WOW
[17:16] annjeanettelynne: NICE TEACHER xD
[17:16] annjeanettelynne: LOLS !
[17:17] KhailaZherine: HAHAH (:
[17:17] KhailaZherine: I like how I'm your status
[17:17] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:18] KhailaZherine: He shows us tapes about this dude teaching us about atoms, but the guy looks like a fkin RAPIST
[17:18] annjeanettelynne: AHAHA !
[17:18] annjeanettelynne: You sure it isn't Zhane ?
[17:18] annjeanettelynne: Lmao xD
[17:19] KhailaZherine: LMFAO HAHA ouhhh I'm telling! jkjk haha
[17:19] KhailaZherine: Maybe it is...
[17:19] KhailaZherine: XD
[17:19] KhailaZherine: "IT*
[17:19] KhailaZherine: XD
[17:19] KhailaZherine: "ITTTTT"
[17:19] KhailaZherine: haha
[17:19] annjeanettelynne: Don't worry, zhane knows she's pedo ;D
[17:19] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO !
[17:19] KhailaZherine: LMAO
[17:19] KhailaZherine: so ar eyou! hahaha!
[17:19] KhailaZherine: LOOK AT THE CUTE LITTLE BOY!
[17:19] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:21] annjeanettelynne: SHUT UP ! LMFAO XD
[17:21] KhailaZherine: hahaha yeauh. Didn't forget. LOL
[17:21] KhailaZherine: omg
[17:21] KhailaZherine: today
[17:21] KhailaZherine: in pe
[17:21] KhailaZherine: my teacher
[17:21] KhailaZherine: was bouta pair me up with nick
[17:21] KhailaZherine: cause me and nick were alone
[17:22] KhailaZherine: I was like umm no.
[17:22] annjeanettelynne: Brb gonna ... WTFAWK ?!
[17:22] KhailaZherine: LOL
[17:22] annjeanettelynne: Anyways, brb gonna eat xD
[17:22] KhailaZherine: and nick walked away
[17:22] KhailaZherine: HAHA
[17:22] KhailaZherine: n I was like
[17:22] KhailaZherine: HELL NO
[17:22] KhailaZherine: haha mm
[17:22] KhailaZherine: mmk
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Wait, im not eating yet xD
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: I was but mommy's not done doing whatever she's doing xD
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Who was your partner then ?
[17:25] KhailaZherine: LOL
[17:25] KhailaZherine: I went with seth
[17:25] KhailaZherine: and stuff
[17:25] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Lols nice
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Shoot, imma save this convo xD
[17:26] KhailaZherine: LOL
[17:26] KhailaZherine: and frikken
[17:26] KhailaZherine: Matt
[17:26] KhailaZherine: Nicks friend was like
[17:26] KhailaZherine: HEY KHAILA LOOK HERE
[17:26] KhailaZherine: and I wa slike
[17:26] KhailaZherine: HELL NO
[17:26] KhailaZherine: and walked away
[17:26] KhailaZherine: lol
[17:27] annjeanettelynne: WOW
[17:27] annjeanettelynne: xD
[17:27] annjeanettelynne: He's uglay to look at anyways(:
[17:27] KhailaZherine: hahahaha and I didnt look at that fucker . (:
[17:27] KhailaZherine: LOL
_We talked more but it was loooong ;D
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
[20:03] ninjaboyfa: We need more one on one talk like this, Idk it feels like your a mother figure to me right now
[20:03] ninjaboyfa: Idk why*
[20:08] babyycakesx33333: even though I just met you
[20:08] babyycakesx33333: I tell
[20:08] babyycakesx33333: people that
[20:08] babyycakesx33333: your my best friend
[20:06] Ate Karyz:) : I LALALOVE YOU!!!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
DAMN, I haven't blogged since November xD Helluh shit been getting in the way so im sorry for not blogging in a while. Here's some updates :D December : My Christmas break was so better than the other years xD Had helluh memories wit Babe<3 I went to Frisco 3 days straight wit mommy(x . I helped mommy wit her Adopt-the-family give away. I also met her new intern, she's pretty ;D We bonding a bit and whatnot lols. Got to kick it wit Christian&Danielle my last day there. I went shopping of course to buy their presents lols. Christmas was UBERFUN:) Cousins came over and whatnot. Had the same "2 parties" like 2 years ago. I got everything I wants; Family&friends. Teehee:) New Years was also fun wit the cousins at Fairfield. Played Taboo wit the family and it was kids vs. adults xD Sadly, adults won): Lols. It was still fun though. Count down started and everyone was watching tv for the count down. January : Texted friends saying "Happy New Years:)" Cawsin&I drank like everyone else ;D Oliver gave us mixed beers and wine xD It was our first time cause he was nice enough to let us lols. He got drunk and it was funny. I got to sleep over cawsin's apartment. Talked to babe on the phone as well that day:) First time I drank more than him lols. Slept like at 3 something in the morning and had to wake up at 7 to go to Fairfield. Went back home at like 12 or so. My new year started okay. But then, last kick it of the year was THABEST<3 Got to hang out wit our lito "groupy" lmfao. Stayed out till 11:30pm. Damn, super fun ;D School started on the 4th. New classes but .. Babe doesn't go to mths no more): He had his 3rd week off. He's gonna start going to Sheldon High School D; But hope we see each other aftah school. Well, thas all for now. Start making many memories this year and don't regret anything. Live your life;) Stay Focused&Be Positive Kids mmkays ?
Updates of me;