Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Date : February 24, 2010
Because when your ready to talk, step up.
It's hard when people don't take you seriously. But then again, if your playing around, they assume pretty much the opposite of what's suppose to be "funny". I hate how people get all serious and then assume shit in a stupid situation. Like really though, you can work it out calmly. There shouldn't be anymore complications when working things out. Act your age. People say that because you shouldn't act like a lito kid anymore. Yeah, I confess. I act immature at times but I step it up sooner or later. I know how to act so I don't need anymore comments. I love helping people in tough situations just to make them happy. Even if I have to suffer, I still help. But if you want me to help, you also have to be the bigger person in the situation. Fuck that kid shit. It's all about the real world. I may be a bitch at times but I say whats on my mind. You should do that to. Don't even be a bitch and say "its all your fault". Helluh shady. Freal though, try being a lito more mature about things. Even though things may be bothering you, stop acting all emo and shit just because your sad. Be optimistic. Yeah, you can hide it inside but feel happy on the outside so there won't be anymore mishaps. If your in a situation that involves talking it out wit the other person, why don't you just do that than just being a bitch about it. I'm tired of people talking shit. Gets me annoyed. Thas all I wanted to get off my mind .. Might add more later.
YES ! Downloading Picasa agains :D I helluh miss it though D:
Helluh random but it's worth sharing ;D Yes, im weird<3
Helluh random but it's worth sharing ;D Yes, im weird<3
Date : February 24, 2010
Making a decision ? xD
So, people at school said I should get a Tumblr. Same shit as this though xD Hm .. Whas your opinion ? Lols. 2 people told me to keep blogspot because its .. Me ! Aha. Well, still gonna decide. I have a myspace [boring], aim, friendster, yahoo, youtube, 365project, tokbox and thas about it. Hit me up on anythang ? ASK ;D
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Date : February 23, 2010
"Fuck the bitch, I don't need this shit. Imma live life to the fullest and have NO regrets.":)
So, next week is my last week at Monterey Trail. Hope to go to Sheldon though. Florin's wack. No offense Ate ;D Lols. Lent started, im giving up procrastinating. Yes, hard but imma have to try hard. Hanging out wit the my mains aftah school. Pretty chill though so its all good. Drama flowing but I tend to always try to get out of it. Getting my grades up before next week. Luckily SOB and Snoopy are trying to help me in General Science(x SOB is pedo for lito kids at McDonald's ! Lmfao.Confirmation on May 7th ! Yes, mains are going ;D Whoo hoo ! Lols. Babe&I are trying hard not to fade. But I still love him a lot. Always&Forever right ?<3>:D Lmao. I've been waking up in the middle of the night nowadays. Don't know why but its ghey =/ Well, thas all for an update right ? Remember to follow me on my 365project:)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Date : February 20, 2010
Because its the fact that he's back ..
So, everything goes great and all of a sudden .. BAM, he's back. Why is this happening ? I know he would come back but why soon ? Why now ? Why ? There's so many questions going through my mind and I just don't know how to figure things out. This week was a total bust. Well, yesterday was great. Except the fact that babe and I fought and it was the scariest night ever for me .. It's all because he's back. I knew this would happen. Things won't be the same. How do I know ? I can feel it. Because its the fact that we ALL reacted the same when we found out. Shocked. Scared. Mad. What else ? How else can we express our feelings ? Venting ? Of course, for me. Wow. Only a week passed since I blogged and A LOT of shit happened. I guess a lot can happen in one week. Stressful isn't it ? I'm hopping things can straighten out soon. Wow, and more things start reveling to me. People need to start realizing the big responsibilities to their faults. I mean sure, you didn't know it at first but now, you need to start growing up and realize what's happening now. Really though, I can help but you need to tell me everything that happened. It's nice how he wants to be friends still. Still scared what might happen when I introduce him to babe though. Shit might happen and I don't want it to happen. Still trynna straighten things out wit babe. He wants to kick it Friday so we'll see if he really comes this time. Well, thas all for now. To be continued ? ..
Monday, February 15, 2010
Date : February 15, 2010
Updating ?
Valentines&4 months was yesterday:) Had helluh fun wit fas ! We went to the viet carnival and just hung out for 5 hours lols. Babe gave me a big card, a rose and a gorilla lols. Its cuteeee ! :D I just had helluh fun. Got to see some people from school and especially Sean, the guy I met at Florin homecoming. Lols. Ate and I went on the ferris wheel wit Sean and Justin, her other friend. It was hilarious ! Lols. Hope to have many more fun memories wit the fas this year. Other than that, babe and I are planning to go on a date on Friday to the movies and watch Dear John:) Hope we get to though. We haven't spend time alone in a while so yeah. Too much drama this year. Hope things shape up soon. Family is okay so far. Still in "trouble" for running away. Trynna make family issues less now. Still have goes for this year that I really need to succeed in ! Lols. Well, thas all for now. Remember, follow me at my 365project:)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Date : February 13, 2010
Haaaappy 1 year&1 month Best Friend<3
Follow me at :
Follow me at :
Monday, February 1, 2010
Date : February 1, 2010
Convo wit Cawsin:)
[16:56] annjeanettelynne: Heeeey,
[16:57] KhailaZherine: Heyy sawp ?
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: Bored D:
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: Yous ?
[16:57] KhailaZherine: LOL whys that ? Talkina Alex
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: Im bored !
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: How are you and him ?
[16:57] KhailaZherine: Lexy(: 4:57 pm
(4:57:09 PM): did i tell u that
(4:57:15 PM): u looked cute today?
[16:57] KhailaZherine: thats how we are
[16:57] KhailaZherine: xD
[16:58] KhailaZherine: how are you and nhia ?
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: Lols awh
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: Only see each other once a week
[16:58] KhailaZherine: Aww
Well that's the kinda love you gotta know is strong(:
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: Yeah
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: &i only talk to him when we kick it
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: His sister is really strict
[16:59] KhailaZherine: wtffff gayness tho
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: Yeah
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: We dont have those "all night talks" anymore like last time ,
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: But i guess its w/e
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: now
[17:00] KhailaZherine: welllll if yer ever unhappy
[17:00] KhailaZherine: dont overcommit yerself
[17:00] KhailaZherine: alright ?
[17:00] KhailaZherine: Cause we're still SO young
[17:00] annjeanettelynne: Im not "unhappy", im just saying, might be best this way
[17:00] annjeanettelynne: So we could both concentrate on whats important for now
[17:01] KhailaZherine: whatevers good with you mmk ? (: if ever you know yer cawsins here ! =D
[17:04] annjeanettelynne: Lols I know(:
[17:05] KhailaZherine: Haha so hows school ?
[17:11] annjeanettelynne: Eh, okay I guess ahaha
[17:11] annjeanettelynne: You ?
[17:11] KhailaZherine: it was pretty good, I'm laggin in some classess
[17:12] annjeanettelynne: Same,
[17:12] KhailaZherine: C- in Conceptual physics x.x
[17:12] annjeanettelynne: Whas that ? o.o
[17:12] KhailaZherine: its like a step down from biology, but its a college course class T_T
[17:13] annjeanettelynne: Im guessing its hard o.o
[17:13] KhailaZherine: yes, our teacher yells formulas at us.
[17:13] KhailaZherine: haha
[17:14] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO @
[17:14] annjeanettelynne: *!
[17:14] KhailaZherine: HAHA yesss! Today he snapped his meter stick on the table. He was like ITS NOT FUNNY
[17:14] KhailaZherine: haha I was dying. XD
[17:15] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO !
[17:15] KhailaZherine: I waslike . lolyernotserious.
[17:15] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:16] annjeanettelynne: Ahaha WOW
[17:16] annjeanettelynne: NICE TEACHER xD
[17:16] annjeanettelynne: LOLS !
[17:17] KhailaZherine: HAHAH (:
[17:17] KhailaZherine: I like how I'm your status
[17:17] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:18] KhailaZherine: He shows us tapes about this dude teaching us about atoms, but the guy looks like a fkin RAPIST
[17:18] annjeanettelynne: AHAHA !
[17:18] annjeanettelynne: You sure it isn't Zhane ?
[17:18] annjeanettelynne: Lmao xD
[17:19] KhailaZherine: LMFAO HAHA ouhhh I'm telling! jkjk haha
[17:19] KhailaZherine: Maybe it is...
[17:19] KhailaZherine: XD
[17:19] KhailaZherine: "IT*
[17:19] KhailaZherine: XD
[17:19] KhailaZherine: "ITTTTT"
[17:19] KhailaZherine: haha
[17:19] annjeanettelynne: Don't worry, zhane knows she's pedo ;D
[17:19] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO !
[17:19] KhailaZherine: LMAO
[17:19] KhailaZherine: so ar eyou! hahaha!
[17:19] KhailaZherine: LOOK AT THE CUTE LITTLE BOY!
[17:19] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:21] annjeanettelynne: SHUT UP ! LMFAO XD
[17:21] KhailaZherine: hahaha yeauh. Didn't forget. LOL
[17:21] KhailaZherine: omg
[17:21] KhailaZherine: today
[17:21] KhailaZherine: in pe
[17:21] KhailaZherine: my teacher
[17:21] KhailaZherine: was bouta pair me up with nick
[17:21] KhailaZherine: cause me and nick were alone
[17:22] KhailaZherine: I was like umm no.
[17:22] annjeanettelynne: Brb gonna ... WTFAWK ?!
[17:22] KhailaZherine: LOL
[17:22] annjeanettelynne: Anyways, brb gonna eat xD
[17:22] KhailaZherine: and nick walked away
[17:22] KhailaZherine: HAHA
[17:22] KhailaZherine: n I was like
[17:22] KhailaZherine: HELL NO
[17:22] KhailaZherine: haha mm
[17:22] KhailaZherine: mmk
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Wait, im not eating yet xD
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: I was but mommy's not done doing whatever she's doing xD
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Who was your partner then ?
[17:25] KhailaZherine: LOL
[17:25] KhailaZherine: I went with seth
[17:25] KhailaZherine: and stuff
[17:25] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Lols nice
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Shoot, imma save this convo xD
[17:26] KhailaZherine: LOL
[17:26] KhailaZherine: and frikken
[17:26] KhailaZherine: Matt
[17:26] KhailaZherine: Nicks friend was like
[17:26] KhailaZherine: HEY KHAILA LOOK HERE
[17:26] KhailaZherine: and I wa slike
[17:26] KhailaZherine: HELL NO
[17:26] KhailaZherine: and walked away
[17:26] KhailaZherine: lol
[17:27] annjeanettelynne: WOW
[17:27] annjeanettelynne: xD
[17:27] annjeanettelynne: He's uglay to look at anyways(:
[17:27] KhailaZherine: hahahaha and I didnt look at that fucker . (:
[17:27] KhailaZherine: LOL
_We talked more but it was loooong ;D
[16:56] annjeanettelynne: Heeeey,
[16:57] KhailaZherine: Heyy sawp ?
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: Bored D:
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: Yous ?
[16:57] KhailaZherine: LOL whys that ? Talkina Alex
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: Im bored !
[16:57] annjeanettelynne: How are you and him ?
[16:57] KhailaZherine: Lexy(: 4:57 pm
(4:57:09 PM): did i tell u that
(4:57:15 PM): u looked cute today?
[16:57] KhailaZherine: thats how we are
[16:57] KhailaZherine: xD
[16:58] KhailaZherine: how are you and nhia ?
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: Lols awh
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: Only see each other once a week
[16:58] KhailaZherine: Aww
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: Yeah
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: &i only talk to him when we kick it
[16:58] annjeanettelynne: His sister is really strict
[16:59] KhailaZherine: wtffff gayness tho
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: Yeah
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: We dont have those "all night talks" anymore like last time ,
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: But i guess its w/e
[16:59] annjeanettelynne: now
[17:00] KhailaZherine: welllll if yer ever unhappy
[17:00] KhailaZherine: dont overcommit yerself
[17:00] KhailaZherine: alright ?
[17:00] KhailaZherine: Cause we're still SO young
[17:00] annjeanettelynne: Im not "unhappy", im just saying, might be best this way
[17:00] annjeanettelynne: So we could both concentrate on whats important for now
[17:01] KhailaZherine: whatevers good with you mmk ? (: if ever you know yer cawsins here ! =D
[17:04] annjeanettelynne: Lols I know(:
[17:05] KhailaZherine: Haha so hows school ?
[17:11] annjeanettelynne: Eh, okay I guess ahaha
[17:11] annjeanettelynne: You ?
[17:11] KhailaZherine: it was pretty good, I'm laggin in some classess
[17:12] annjeanettelynne: Same,
[17:12] KhailaZherine: C- in Conceptual physics x.x
[17:12] annjeanettelynne: Whas that ? o.o
[17:12] KhailaZherine: its like a step down from biology, but its a college course class T_T
[17:13] annjeanettelynne: Im guessing its hard o.o
[17:13] KhailaZherine: yes, our teacher yells formulas at us.
[17:13] KhailaZherine: haha
[17:14] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO @
[17:14] annjeanettelynne: *!
[17:14] KhailaZherine: HAHA yesss! Today he snapped his meter stick on the table. He was like ITS NOT FUNNY
[17:14] KhailaZherine: haha I was dying. XD
[17:15] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO !
[17:15] KhailaZherine: I waslike . lolyernotserious.
[17:15] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:16] annjeanettelynne: Ahaha WOW
[17:16] annjeanettelynne: NICE TEACHER xD
[17:16] annjeanettelynne: LOLS !
[17:17] KhailaZherine: HAHAH (:
[17:17] KhailaZherine: I like how I'm your status
[17:17] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:18] KhailaZherine: He shows us tapes about this dude teaching us about atoms, but the guy looks like a fkin RAPIST
[17:18] annjeanettelynne: AHAHA !
[17:18] annjeanettelynne: You sure it isn't Zhane ?
[17:18] annjeanettelynne: Lmao xD
[17:19] KhailaZherine: LMFAO HAHA ouhhh I'm telling! jkjk haha
[17:19] KhailaZherine: Maybe it is...
[17:19] KhailaZherine: XD
[17:19] KhailaZherine: "IT*
[17:19] KhailaZherine: XD
[17:19] KhailaZherine: "ITTTTT"
[17:19] KhailaZherine: haha
[17:19] annjeanettelynne: Don't worry, zhane knows she's pedo ;D
[17:19] annjeanettelynne: LMFAO !
[17:19] KhailaZherine: LMAO
[17:19] KhailaZherine: so ar eyou! hahaha!
[17:19] KhailaZherine: LOOK AT THE CUTE LITTLE BOY!
[17:19] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:21] annjeanettelynne: SHUT UP ! LMFAO XD
[17:21] KhailaZherine: hahaha yeauh. Didn't forget. LOL
[17:21] KhailaZherine: omg
[17:21] KhailaZherine: today
[17:21] KhailaZherine: in pe
[17:21] KhailaZherine: my teacher
[17:21] KhailaZherine: was bouta pair me up with nick
[17:21] KhailaZherine: cause me and nick were alone
[17:22] KhailaZherine: I was like umm no.
[17:22] annjeanettelynne: Brb gonna ... WTFAWK ?!
[17:22] KhailaZherine: LOL
[17:22] annjeanettelynne: Anyways, brb gonna eat xD
[17:22] KhailaZherine: and nick walked away
[17:22] KhailaZherine: HAHA
[17:22] KhailaZherine: n I was like
[17:22] KhailaZherine: HELL NO
[17:22] KhailaZherine: haha mm
[17:22] KhailaZherine: mmk
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Wait, im not eating yet xD
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: I was but mommy's not done doing whatever she's doing xD
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Who was your partner then ?
[17:25] KhailaZherine: LOL
[17:25] KhailaZherine: I went with seth
[17:25] KhailaZherine: and stuff
[17:25] KhailaZherine: xD
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Lols nice
[17:25] annjeanettelynne: Shoot, imma save this convo xD
[17:26] KhailaZherine: LOL
[17:26] KhailaZherine: and frikken
[17:26] KhailaZherine: Matt
[17:26] KhailaZherine: Nicks friend was like
[17:26] KhailaZherine: HEY KHAILA LOOK HERE
[17:26] KhailaZherine: and I wa slike
[17:26] KhailaZherine: HELL NO
[17:26] KhailaZherine: and walked away
[17:26] KhailaZherine: lol
[17:27] annjeanettelynne: WOW
[17:27] annjeanettelynne: xD
[17:27] annjeanettelynne: He's uglay to look at anyways(:
[17:27] KhailaZherine: hahahaha and I didnt look at that fucker . (:
[17:27] KhailaZherine: LOL
_We talked more but it was loooong ;D
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